Sidestep Obstacles in Social Situations and Put a Spring in Your Step this Season

Spring is a time of new life and rebirth, making it the perfect season to say “sayonara” to social anxiety. Reinventing your presentation of self and easing anxiety over your appearance starts with improving your skin care journey. Don’t take chances when it comes to your skin; rely on NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment to transform damaged cells and reveal your skin’s naturally youthful glow. Here, you’ll find more information on NeriumAD and other useful tips to breathing easier in social situations this spring.Image


-Don’t neglect your skin

In order to improve your overall look you must include an anti-aging solution like NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment in your morning skin care regimen. NeriumAD smooths my fine lines and wrinkles, alleviates my worry over crow’s feet and balances out my uneven skin tone, as well as reduces the intensity of enlarged pores. Applying NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment to my face each morning restores the appearance of my skin, renews my confidence and has me feeling prepared to face even the most intimidating social situations with an improved self-esteem.


-Don’t fidget

Twirling your hair, fixating on your fingernails or constantly readjusting your clothes sends out signals that you are nervous or lack confidence in a social situation. For an image that is appealing and manageable, dress in clothes that are comfortable, perfect your nails before leaving the house and resist the urge to fidget with loose locks of hair. 


-Silence your cell phone

Using your cell phone as a distraction in social situations can be awfully tempting. After all, it has become commonplace to give your lunch date only as much attention as your cell phone notifications allow. However, being strapped to an electronic device may hinder conversation to such a degree that it makes it difficult to make a real connection with someone. Not to mention, constant attention to aps and notification will make you seem disrespectful and/or uninterested in those around you. That incoming email message or the newest happenings on your Facebook wall can wait. Devote your attention to the people that are physically around you and catch up on social interaction later.


-Prepare for mishaps

Keep static cling spray, bobby pins, breath mints, a trial-sized deodorant and a lint roller in your glove compartment to avoid awkward moments when it comes to your appearance. 


Meeting new people and preparing for social situations can be a headache, but these tips will have you looking and feeling your best and well on your way to conquering anxiety.

Bold, Innovative Products to Consider this Spring

I’m looking forward to loving these ways to take advantage of cutting-edge technology. NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment has my skin looking more flawless than I dreamt possible. Here, you’ll discover why I love Nerium International’s skin care line, and I’ll present other inventions that I’m thrilled have as options in my daily life.Image


-Find the ability to fly

Technology has now begun using water as a springboard to human flight. Similar to sci-fi movies versions of jetpacks, Aquaflying is a thing of the future, only the future… is now. 


Water-propelled Flyboard rockets spur humans into the atmosphere, to the tune of 30 feet into the sky. This happens using the H20 that we all rely on every single day, and the process is devoid of gas-powered or gasoline-powered devices. That’s right- the singular fuel source is water.


Aquafly has various destinations that host training centers across the country. This gravity-defying invention is not only available and accessible, but offers three different levels of flying lessons. The “Ace” course provides the training for Aquafly pilots to execute backflips and land effortlessly through diving back into the water. Search for locations training locations via, and embrace the future of flight.


-Sample more salads without wasting produce

Are you looking for a less daring, more practical invention that can be used in your every day life? No worries, this next example will have you savoring your fresh produce with an extended expiration date. Salivate over the extra dollars you’ll be able to hold onto by investing in the Berry Breeze.


House your fruits and vegetables within this remarkable gadget that fits easily on the rack in your refrigerator. Berry Breeze cleans and oxygenates your produce aisle purchases, extending their freshness and shelf life to 2 to 3 times longer than ordinary drawer storage.


-Harness the healing power of NAE-8 extract

A patented serum that finds its origins in the Nerium Oleander plant, NAE-8 extract is the anti-aging solution of the future and it is found only in Nerium International’s skin care line. NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment combats the signs of aging and rejuvenates skin, utilizing NAE-8 extract’s ability to smooth and balance inconsistent skin tone and dark spots. NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment also diminishes the appearance of dark spots and crow’s feet, and decreases the intensity of fine lines and wrinkles as they surface on your skin while restoring your skin’s naturally youthful vibrance. NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment is developed by Nerium International’s own biotechnologists and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Doesn’t your skin deserve a little risk-free pampering?


Modern advances in technology simply fascinate me! Especially when they promote healthier, lovelier living. Stay tuned for more articles on wellness and innovation. In the meantime, feel free to post in the comments section below: What are some of your favorite groundbreaking products? 

Bombshell Beauty: Your Guide to Standing Out This Spring

My health and wellness regimen is something I take seriously. I research my products, sift through reviews and won’t recommend anything that I, myself, have not used. I take it seriously, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love, love, love trying out new things! I delight in fantastic discoveries that up the ante! For example, NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment is a remarkable anti-aging solution has allowed me to renew my damaged cells without surgery, Botox or other invasive, costly procedures. Here, you’ll find out more about NeriumAD and be able to explore another strategy that is absolutely attention-worthy.Image


-Jessica Simpson Hair Extensions

What better time than spring to reinvent yourself? Experiment with a new look without the commitment by venturing into the world of hair extensions. Forego a drastic cut and find out how different styles frame your face without spending a fortune at a salon. Opt for bangs for the day or make the switch to a classic bob. Try on luxurious length for size, or salivate over sensuous curls. I am completely in love the array of natural looking clip-in pieces that Jessica Simpson’s hair line has to offer. Become a brunette, blond or find out how you look with raven-colored tresses and do so without the risk of reaching for a bottle of hair dye. Indulge in color fearlessly, dare to impulsively don a new look, and relish in change that is thrilling, yet reversible with a collection of hair extensions.


-NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment

Loose, sagging skin is a visible, unwelcome consequence of aging skin, but it is a process that can be slowed amidst its progression. NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment will not only tighten and firm loose skin; it will also balance out uneven skin tone, and improve the overall appearance of your skin. 


NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment is a surefire way to rejuvenate your skin and obtain a fresher, more vibrant look. Unveil your skin’s naturally beautiful glow with NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment and become the envy of your friends with your newfound beauty secret. Your colleagues will notice the real results that NeriumAD delivers as soon as a few weeks after your first application. They’ll be clamoring to claim the same anti-aging product that you use to effectively combat the signs of aging. However, don’t worry- you won’t want to keep NeriumAD Age-Defying Treatment to yourself. Some secrets are just too good to not be shared.


Once I find a trick that simplifies or revamps my routine, I can’t help but rave about the results. Please post your favorite transformation tips in the comments below!